Sunday, February 17, 2013

Getting my craft on in 2013!

I can't believe this is my first blog post on here since September! In between moving city and moving house twice, the legs have completely fallen off any creative activities. I can't tell you how much I've missed it and find it hard to believe that at one point I was creating something new almost every day. Now that we are all settled into our new home, I am slowly starting to organize my massive hoard of art supplies so that when I have the time and feel 'in the mood' I can act on it without a whole big performance to find what I need :) I'm making progress finally!

Living a creative life is really important to me - regardless of how much talent I may be lacking or how well things turn out, it's important to me because I have this whole theory for leading my most joyful life. Basically, I divide my life into what I call my 4 "zones" and I have symbols for each as follows:
  • Heart with Wings (Creativity/Spirituality)
  • Stick person (Health, Body and Activity)
  • House (Home and Community)
  • Money (Finances and Work)
Each year I set a 'vision' and make specific goals for each of my zones. At the beginning of each week I draw this little visual in my planner and set objectives for the week in each zone to stay on track:
The picture reminds me of the balance I need in my life. I think of my zones as like the legs on a stool. With 4 progressing well I'm feeling completely stable and joyful! With 3 zones going well I can still manage. With only 2, the stool no longer stands and that's when I struggle too. I've been using my zones (and the visual) to keep my life in balance for a couple of years now and it works perfectly for me!!!
One of my goals in my Creativity/Spirituality zones this year is to make something and blog about it on here at the end of every month. For my first entry I thought I'd start out by making some cards. They are really simple to do and always so gratefully received:)
I hope that every time I send a handmade card, the person who gets it knows that I truly made it with love. I'm grateful to have so many people in my life to make cards for :). Life is good x

1 comment:

  1. I love getting your cards Clare - especially as they have to fly 4000 miles to get to me!

